LER 2891
Ages Grades
Solar System
Card Game
A fun game of
thinking & linking!
• You can only match a picture card from your pile on top of a
word card.
• If you make a match, it is now the next player’s turn (play
advances clockwise).
• If you cannot make a match, draw one new card from the
deck*. If that new card makes a match, you may place it on
the pile.
• If you still cannot make a match, put the card in your pile.
It is now the next player’s turn.
• You may only play one card on one pile for any given turn
except if playing a Super Link card.
• Be the first player to use all of your cards and win the game!
*If the draw deck runs out of cards, leave the last linked card
facing up on all the discard piles and shuffle the other cards to
reestablish a draw deck.
Special Cards
New Link
Play this card at any time to create an additional discard pile.
You may place any card (word or picture) from your hand atop
the New Link card to start an additional discard pile.
Play continues on any of the discard piles. However, players may
only play on one pile at a time for any given turn.
Super Link
Play this card at any time to create an additional discard pile.
You may place any card (word or picture) from your hand atop
the Super Link card to start an additional discard pile.
You may then also play as many cards from your pile as possible on
any of the discard piles. You may keep playing cards until you are
either out (and win the game) or can no longer make a match.
Play continues on any of the discard piles. However, players may
only play on one pile at a time for any given turn.
Challenging a Match
Any player may challenge a match before the next player makes
a play. Use the Answer Key as a guide.
If a challenge reveals an incorrect match, return the incorrectly
played card to the player’s pile. Play advances to the next player.
Answers May Vary
Matches were assigned using the general characteristics pictured
on the cards. There are often exceptions and new discoveries
that may change the interpretation of data. Players should use
disagreements as an opportunity to research and learn more
about the solar system and to work together to arrive at a fair
Good to Know!
Asteroid—Large space rocks covered with craters. Most
asteroids orbit the Sun in the asteroid "belt" located between
Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids can be as small as a 200 m wide to as
big as 600 km wide.
Comet—A mixture of dust and ice that failed to form a planet.
Comets are often compared to “dirty snowballs.” Comets orbit
the Sun and become visible when the Sun's heat changes the
comet's ice into gas. The cores of comets can be as small as 3 km
wide and as big as 80 km wide. The tails of gas and dust coming
off comets can stretch for millions of kilometers in the solar wind.
Constellation—One of 88 groups, or regions, of stars that form
a pattern, or picture, in the sky.
Dwarf Planet—Objects orbiting the Sun that are big and heavy
enough to resemble a planet, but not quite big enough to have
their own clear orbit around the sun. Example: Pluto
Galaxy—A grouping of billions of stars held together by
gravity. Overall shapes of galaxies include spiral, elliptical, and
Gas Planet—Planets made of mostly gas and lacking a clearly
defined surface. The gas planets are sometimes called the Jovian,
or giant, planets. The gas planets in our solar system include
Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus.
Inner Planet—The first four planets orbiting the Sun before the
asteroid belt. The inner planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth,
and Mars.
Moon—A natural satellite orbiting a planet.
Orbit—The path followed by planets and other space objects
as they revolve around objects that have a larger gravity, like
the Sun.
Outer Planet—Any of the planets that orbit the Sun outside
the asteroid belt. Outer planets include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto (dwarf planet).
Rocky Planet—Any of the planets that has a solid surface.
Rocky planets are also called terrestrial planets. The rocky
planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
Star—Giant burning balls of hydrogen and helium gas that give
off both light and heat. Red and orange stars are cooler than
hotter white or blue colored (coloured) stars. The Sun, although
large to everyone on Earth, is considered to be an average star
in size (about 1,392,000 km or 864,000 miles across). Many dwarf
stars are smaller than the Sun. Larger stars can be 100, 300, and
even 1,000 times larger than the Sun. Polaris (the North Star) is
about 46 times bigger than the Sun. Sirius (the brightest star in
the northern hemisphere) is actually two stars (Sirius A and B)
that are close together. Sirius A is about 1.7 times the diameter
of the Sun. Sirius B is much smaller, with a diameter that is about
10% less than Earth's.
1,392,000 km
(864,000 miles)
About 1,300,000 times
greater than Earth's
The Sun
5.79 million km
(35 million miles)
4,879 km
(3,032 miles)
About 6% of Earth's
About 86% of Earth's
108 million km
(67 million miles)
12,104 km
(7,521 miles)
149 million km
(93 million miles)
12,756 km
(7,926 miles)
1.08 x 1012 km3
(261 billion cubic miles)
227 million km
(141 million miles)
6,792 km
(4,222 miles)
About 15% of Earth's
778 million km
(483 million miles)
142,984 km
(88,846 miles)
About 1,316 times
greater than Earth's
Mostly Gas
Mostly Gas
1.4 trillion km
(886 million miles)
120,536 km
(72,367 miles)
About 752 times
greater than Earth's
2.8 trillion km
(1.78 trillion miles)
57,118 km
(31,518 miles)
About 67 times
greater than Earth's
Mostly Gas
4.5 trillion km
(2.79 trillion miles)
49,528 km
(30,601 miles)
About 54 times
greater than Earth's
Mostly Gas
5.9 trillion km
(Dwarf Planet) (3.67 trillion miles)
2,390 km
(1,491 miles)
Less than 1%
of Earth's
Mostly Gas & Ice
© Photography by © 2009 Jupiter Images Corporation, © Shutterstock Images
LLC, © 1999-2009 Getty Images, Inc., and Images courtesy of NASA.
© Learning Resources, Inc., Vernon Hills, IL (U.S.A.)
Learning Resources Ltd., King’s Lynn, Norfolk (U.K.)
Please retain our address for future reference.
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